18 July 2009

Bees buzzing, ladybugs and delicate spider webs

I've been housesitting for a friend with two beautiful raised beds. In her absence, she inisists I help myself to anything that's ripe and right now that includes peas, cherry tomatoes and in a few days maybe a zuccini. All I have to do is turn the automatic waterer (and suppliment with the hose on really hot days which Seattle hasn't been short of lately) and feed her cat.

I'm not sure how my life could get any better at this moment.

I've always wanted to do raised beds and staying here has only confirmed for me that when I finally do get a house of my own again I will definitely be gardening. One of the nicest new-to-me blogs I've been reading lately recently did a little raised bed reconstrution project that has got me salivating.

Who knew I was such a closeted gardener?

10 July 2009

Sometimes my brain gets jealous...

On a visit to my favorite PDX book joint I kept seeing a guy in his mid to late forties who turned up in several of the same aisles as I was browsing. He's dressed in one of those Jack Johnson-esque hippie hoodies (I believe they call them baja hoodies, imagine that) After our third "mid-aisle collision" we exchanged greeting and a smile and went on our way. So I thought.

I made a last pass through the sale books when who turns up but Mr. Baja Hoodie. He's grinning in this kind of half sly way that immediately makes me take a half step back.

"I just couldn't let you go without telling you," he says. "You are just the most incredibly sexy woman. Especially from behind."

So it appears I've had my first book store admirer. Only with a compliment like that I felt less flattered than just weirded out. Have you been checking out my ass for the last 4 aisles? My sputtering brain was unable to come up with a clever comeback, although I did sidle sideways away from him and into the line as he went the opposite direction.

As I walked to the car (glancing over my shoulder) I full of comebacks that would make him think twice about any future rounds of bookstore ass-scoping. Really I was left feeling indignant because once again, in a place I would have least expected, my big sexy brain was upstaged - by my ass.

05 July 2009

A little more Beyonce than Halle Berry...

...that's the verdict after my salon run for a much needed highlights touchup. And yes, I was licking my wounds just a bit after Audi's stunning letdown. Sometimes what a girl needs is a little confidence booster and a mani/pedi just won't cut it. I said I wanted more of the honey/carmel bits. That, apparently meant I wanted to go mostly blondish.

Hmm...I guess I got what I asked for. We toned the color down quite a bit, but it's still a bit MORE, well, Beyonce than Halle Berry (according to the girl in the chair next to me). It's a matter of subtlety. I'm not used to being so flashy. Although, being in the company of either of those gorgeous ladies cannot be a bad thing.

Maybe it's a good change. It certainly will shake things up a bit. I'm trying to roll with it.