04 January 2008

Resolution #1: Blog More

Well, that one was easy. I haven't been around much lately but I suspect that has to do partly with the holidays and accompanying time crunches. To be completely honest, this blog has lost a little bit of its focus and purpose - two qualities I've been struggling with for a while. I started the blog a year ago to mark some pretty major events in my life: a move and a breakup. A year later I'm settled in, and healing nicely. I've never wanted to blog strictly to bitch about my life, or my job (too risky), or to boast about romantic conquests (cue chirping crickets) - I seem to know better what I don't want to do with this blog, than what I do.

Something else I've been noticing lately is a lot of my favorite bloggers are slowing down, or closing up shop all together. Is it inevitable, that as people grow change and their lives become different places the need to blog about them just dries up? Is it the fact that blogs have reached a peak and begun to decline - that the once abundant throngs of life bloggers have slowly fallen to the wayside until only the political, gossip and celebrity bloggers remain?

Granted, I'm not one to turn down a good celebrity gossip site, but what I genuinely enjoy about visiting blogs are the voices and the lives that are shared. People never cease to amaze and charm and delight me. There's nothing like being brought to tears with laughter by the words of a stranger, or finding slices of my own life being lived thousands of miles away. The experiences we share with each other - what we choose to share at all - says as much as the voice and perspective that we give them in the telling.

That is what I love about blogs, and why I will continue to blog with the hopes that what I share will mean something to someone else. To those who will not be blogging 2008, thanks for all the smiles, laughter and delight in the past years - and to the rest of you, let's see what the hell 2008 has to offer...



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