04 December 2008

Saving is sexy... (and I'm not talking about abstinence )

Can't believe I'm almost at a year from establishing my first real set of financial goals. (Better late than never). You may have noticed I -finally - got my charts setup in the sidebar so you can follow along. They are actually current as of this post.

Happy to note that the Uh-Oh Fund is now 100% complete. Although my Travel Fund isn't exactly where I was shooting for (yeah, so, uh about that $1k a month...) I'm not super stressed because I was able to pay down much more of my debt than I planned - and I set that goal higher than I really needed it to be intentionally. I'm also thinking about ratcheting down the length of my trip. More on that later.

So the good news: I've eliminated car payments, along with over sized insurance premiums, paid off all but two of my revolving credit accounts (the two remaining are have the lowest interest rates) Now to look forward...

I still have to work out my travel details, and I realize I've been hesitating because I wanted to see where my money was at. With just over two months till departure, it's time to start making some plans and hammering out the details. You know, small details, like: where to go and what to do when I get there!

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